Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Has to be hard to be mayor of Latrobe
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
New republican leadership team
State Represenative Tim Krieger: Fantastic guy! Conservative. Great family. You can count on Tim to do what is right.
State Represenative Mike Reese: I honestly respect Mike Reese a lot. In both the commissioners race and the race against O'Barto, I was a pain in the ass, but he never was anything but nice to me. After the endorsement for commissioner, Reese went out of his way to compliment me on my family. He is also in a way smarter than me. I thought about running for the 59th but did not because I figured that O'Barto would beat any republican. I was certainly wrong and Reese was right. I look forward to him being my state represenative and will attend his fundraisers if he sends me an invitation this time. For the record, he was the first person I called to tell that Jess Stairs wasn't running again. At least I got that part right.
Commissioner Charles Anderson: I think the judges got this one right. You can't really argue with the leadership skills of a US Marine officer. Granted, it would have been more fun for me if Scott Avolio was commissioner. He is a great guy.
Jury Commissioner Debbie Irwin: You can always count on Debbie to shake things up. In a good way.
I am afraid that the county committe will fall apart with out the great political skills that Elizabeth Yorio brought to the table.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Caroline Kennedy interested in Clinton senate seat
George Dunbar mad at judges
Chuck Anderson looks to be the best choice out there. Maybe the GOP should have seen that in the first place and recruited him. As I said before, his name was brought up to me by others in another matter. Although George Dunbar may have never heard of Mr. Anderson, it seems everyone else has and I just would not be messing with the selection of a retired Marine colonel.
So, don't be mad at the judges. Go read Ferguson's statement on the official GOP site and tell me that you guys didn't mess this up. You should have gone with a petition drive. After all, the judges may selected Anderson based on his community involvement, resume as a marine officer, and his presentation. If I am not mistaken, he did put his name in when Terry Marolt died. Someone can correct me if I am wrong.
Besides, I am tired of all this partisan stuff. I am going to support James R. Antoniono for Westmoreland County DA in the primary and most likely in the general unless the GOP can come up with a quality candidate. The upcoming judges: this should not be partisan. Candidates can cross file. Judges should be supported based on fairness, experience and intellect. I am not about to vote for someone for judge who cares only if there is an R or D next to someones name.
Here is George's letter
December 11, 2008
To All Westmoreland County Republican Committee Members:
I am writing to you today to express my disappointment in the selection of Charles Anderson as our next County Commissioner. This is not an indictment of Mr. Anderson, I have never met the man nor have I ever heard of him prior to this process. I am hopeful that he will be an excellent commissioner and serve the residents of Westmoreland County well. My disappointment lies with the Judges of our fair county.
We as a group respectfully submitted four extremely qualified names for consideration to the judges, who ignored us. As opposed to listening to the voices of the 87,000 Republicans we were elected to represent, they chose to listen to a select few voices in the courthouse. This deed cannot go unnoticed.
We cannot shrug our shoulders and lament the fact that the Democratic Judges have control and we have to accept this. We need to force change. The most recent election cycle proved once again that the Republican Party in Westmoreland County is alive and strong. The same energies we expended for McCain, Corbett, Ward, Krieger, and Reese will be needed in this year’s election to remove the Judges that have ignored our requests. Now is the time to flex our collective muscles.
An off-year election, with anticipated low turn out, is the perfect opportunity for us to show our strength. We need to all be focused and motivated to get our message out, and in turn get our voters out as well. I urge you all to use today’s slight as motivation as we move forward.
With no disrespect to soon to be Commissioner Anderson, I am disappointed, angry and have a chip on my shoulder. I hope all of you do as well. Let’s use this to our advantage in removing those who are responsible for this.
George Dunbar, Chairman
That wouldn't be the judges. I believe that may be those who turned this into the start of the election on day one! That was just silly and short-sighted.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hard economic times hits media
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Anderson is a good choice for commissioner
Anderson is not overtly political. He may not run for a full term after this one expires. It is a really interesting choice by the judges. Military training, without a doubt, prepares one well to serve as an executive. Balya and Ceraso can work with him. As a marine, I am sure he won't take any "partisan crap" from anyone. The more I think of the pick, the more I like it! For the record, I am quite surprised.
As for the republican committee, the endorsement process certainly did not do anything to elevate the "power of influence" of the committee. If anything, it hurt it. I am glad I did not do any such endoresement when Terry Marolt's seat was open.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
George Dunbar over-reaching?
What I think is inappropriate at this point is the statement George made that he is going to tell the judges why the other candidates were not selected by the committee. I have spoken to some committee folks and the gripe they had with some candidates was the fact the candidate would not be overtly partisan and working on re-election from day 1. It is not the judges responsibility to select someone to position the GOP to win two seats in the next election. If Dunbar is going to be critical of other republicans, maybe he should be viewed the same way as me. He is the dude who asked me to resign at the request of several districts.
read about it in the Trib...
Dunbar said that in addition to his letter recommending the party's endorsed candidates, he also sent the judges information about which candidates were not supported by his committee.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Shew...I was afraid Bill Davis wouldn't put his name in
after the GOP left him off the list of 4. He did. My top 4 candidates for the position are:
- Bill Davis
- Scott Avolio
- Jess Stairs (all about contacts in Harrisburg on this one)
- Tom Marflak
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The procedure to apply for commissioner
- a letter of intent
- a resume
- a letter of recommendation (if possible)
I can write a letter of intent, but I have been self-employed so long--I don't have a resume. I am sure Olivia could write me a letter. She thinks that I rock! Maybe Mike Reese could write me...oh wait...
In reality, Mike Reese would be the guy to get a letter of recommendation from. He is very well liked and respected in the courthouse.
You have until 4PM tomorrow.
Anyone have anything good on who the new commissioner might be?
I approve all comments unless they are obviously inappropriate, racist, etc... Remember, I deleted the last blog because of all the anti-Mormon Mitt Romney stuff that just drove me insane!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I am looking at the 4 endorsed candidates of the county GOP
After reading his piece on the WCRC website, I think I would make a better and more effective minority commissioner than him. His goal is wrong. It shouldn't be to fight with Tom and Tom and prepare for the next election to win it for the GOP. There has to be more of a reason for the GOP to control the courthouse other than we need to win it for the GOP.
I think the minority commissioner simply needs to studying the issues that arise and vote or make statements reflecting what is best for the people of Westmoreland County. That is not what is always best for the GOP taking the courthouse.
I also think the minority commissioner should develop a niche area to work. If Tom and Tom continue to govern as a team, the minority commissioner would be able to focus on particular areas of interest that need attention.
I should apply, but I don't know if my golf game is up to being commissioner. We'd have to have 5K runs as fundraisers rather than golf outings.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
We interupt this blog for the regularly scheduled kissing up to Mike Reese segment
Reese and Krieger will make a great team working for Westmoreland County in the House.
Allen Kukovich
Tom Balya
I think the next GOP commissioner can be a conservative republican and voice conservative principles and still work well with the commissioners. It is quite easy. Just argue and debate about issues. I have no doubt that I could get a long with Balya and Ceraso and I have been a partisan republican in the past. I am sure others can be effective and get along at the same time as well.
Jess Stairs
From what I understand and I was not at the meeting because I was in Philadelphia for Marathon Weekend (Pittsburgh Marathon is next), the goal of the few republicans in Westmoreland county responsible for the final list of 4 was someone who will fight with Tom and Tom and set the GOP up for the next election cycle to win 2 seats on the board of commissioners. Well, that is not the true point of serving the people. The goal should not be to fight with Tom and Tom so we can win next time. If the GOP has the right ideas about governing, we will win next time. Think about it: Ward as state senator. Krieger and Reese as state reps. These are the folks to show what the GOP can do. At the same time, put in a reasonable individual like Davis, Avolio or Stairs as commissioner. The GOP can work as a team to Westmoreland forward. People will notice and we can win next time. If we just play politics, people will see it and we will lose.
Tribune-Review Whispers column lexicon
I have learned that this means an individual who has an ax to grind but not the courage to put their name to the crap they are spewing.
The same definition goes for:
- Prominent Westmoreland republicans
- republican leaders
- any and all variations on the above theme
The whispers column is usually the place you check on sunday morning to see if a "republican leader" has stuck a knife in your back. I have never quite understood the anonymous nature of the column. It gives voice to political activists who do not have the courage to simply speak their minds.
A lot of republicans do not like Tom Balya, but he has the courage to put exactly what he is thinking in print for all to see on his website.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Latrobe Turkey Trot
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Philadelphia Marathon
I think I am going to run the Pittsburgh Marathon this May. They promise me only one hill.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Measuring the pulse of the GOP in Washington DC
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bush pardons 14
That's what I would do. See if this guy could turn his life around given the chance.
I never thought he was very good as an NFL quarterback.
My public apology to Jess Stairs
63 out of 350 GOP committee members
I am happy because my top choice, Scott Avolio, made the list.
However, I think the judges will ignore the process because the committee ignored two of the most qualified candidates and selected "political" choices. Their goal was to set themselves up to win two commissioner seats in the next election and not choose the most qualified candidates.
Why do I say this?
- Jess Stairs, a former state represenative for ever, applied and did not even make the final cut of 10. Love him or hate him, you have to admit that the guy had more governmental experience than the final 10. His exclusion from the list, taints the list.
- William Davis. I voted for him. He has served as a county commissioner. He has worked in the executive branch of Pennsylvania government. I think he would be the judges pick. I believe that the influential powers in our party did not want him because his credentials and experience would make him very independent from party leaders. Also, he may not run for re-election and if he did, he may not run a highly partisan and negative re-election campaign.
If these two men apply to the judges, the judges are going to listen to their qualifications. I think by excluding both of these qualified candidates, it makes the judges automatically look at the broader list.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Excuse me while I throw up
I don't think there are enough Wal-Mart greeter positions available to cover all the seniors walloped by the stock market.
Who is going to be the Secretary of Treasury? What an opportunity to go down in history as a hero or goat?
George Bush inherited a recession when he started his first term. Bush got us out of it. Granted, Obama's recession seem way worse.
The list of 10 is in
I don't think the judges can go wrong with either of these two. I would be very comfortable with either of these candidates.
I like Wayne McGrew, but I think he is more suited as a candidate for district attorney.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Here is what congress should do with the auto industry
Read Romney's op-ed on the auto industry:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Michael Steele for RNC Chair
The RNC needs a new enthusiastic and unapologetic conservative leader. Michael Steele is that leader! Let's just hope the RNC can recognize a leader when they see one!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Scott Avolio's name has surfaced as a contender
Scott would govern well, articulate conservative principles well, and be a viable candidate for election when his term expires.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How to proceed to have an influence on the new commissioner
- Many open slots remain on the republican committee
- Some committee people are appointed
- Many committee people ran unopposed
- Many like me won with just one write-in vote
Besides, we knew this would be the result when we selected our sitting commissioner to run. We can't really cry foul now. If that minority seat was so important to us, we would have found another candidate.
Here is an update from what was in the Trib on 11/12/08
Party officials will immediately start to solicit resumes and, next Tuesday, a seven-member subcommittee that includes Dunbar and Hempfield Supervisor Doug Weimer will cull the list down to 10 people.
That group will be permitted to address the party's entire 318-member committee on Nov. 22, when the final four will be selected.
"We would like all candidates to come through our vetting process," Dunbar said. "We just thought it would be an overbearing thing to present 36 people to the judges."
Here is the question. Will the judges care? In reality, the actions of the executive committee got this whole problem started, why should the judges look to them to solve it? You really have to question the executive committee's judgement in the matter. It was them who said only Kim Ward could win that seat. Kim is great, but there were other republicans in Westmoreland County that could have won that seat with $2 million and Bompiani's record of property tax increases.
So, I stand by my original proposal that the Westmoreland Republican Committee needs to take their list of 4 to the voters for a grassroots petition to present to the judges and the media. We have 300+ members. If each member would get 10 to 50 signatures on a petition, the resulting 3000 to 15000 signatures would get the judges attention. This probably won't.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Louis CK at the Palace tonight.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Who should replace Kim Ward as commissioner?
I am opening this topic up for comments, so please leave your opinion.
In your dreams...
Westmoreland County's 11 common pleas judges will decide who fills out the remaining three years of Ward's county commissioner term.
"We prefer they will listen to our collective voice of 87,000 Republicans, rather than have the free-for-all we had four years ago," said George Dunbar, chairman of the county's Republican committee.
Dunbar said the party's executive committee will meet Nov. 11 to determine a process for selecting several potential candidates whose names will be forwarded to the county judges for consideration.
As far as I know, I still have a vote on the committee. As the long as the GOP committee as a whole makes the recommendations, I am for it. If it is just the few folks on the executive committee, that is just as wrong as only the judges deciding.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tim Krieger's win is exciting!
Congratulations to Kim Ward
I wish Kim's father could have been there for her victory.
Egg on my face
That being said, politics ain't bean bags. Mike Reese and the House Republican Campaign Committee had a plan and stuck to it and won. Congratualtions to Mike Reese.
Mike Reese is a pro-life, pro-family conservative and I am certain that along with Tim Krieger's great victory, Mike and Tim will be great represenatives for Westmoreland County.
I am totally at peace with his victory. Mike Reese is my state represenative and he has always treated me quite well despite my support of his opponents. I actually have great admiration for him in the way he has interacted with me.
I will even go to his next fundraiser if I get an invitation (I have yet to ever receive an invitation to a Reese event). If history is a guide, Reese will be our representaive for the next 30 years.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
News flash:
I still can't believe that RIDICULOUS argument in the 59th house race about 4:30pm meeting went uncontested.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I am voting for McCain/Palin because...
- Sarah Palin ran a marathon under 4 hours
- Piper Palin would be fun to watch grow up
- I promoted Sarah Palin for VP before most heard of her
- John McCain was very funny on SNL
But, I don't dislike Barack Obama. Either way, I think the country will be fine. Listening to Rush Limbaugh today, you would think the country was about to be taken over by Leon Trotsky.
I saw an interesting sign this morning in Hempfield
Trib endorses no one in the 59th PA House seat
Answer: They don't care about policies. Only winning. I am very disappointed in some people that I thought I liked very much.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
PAGOP--excessively negative.
I find it interesting how so many things in our history are intertwined. Apparently, Rev Wright was a nurse when LBJ had surger. Saw this pic on Wikipedia so I can't be certain of it. It is interesting.

Friday, October 31, 2008
News flash (or in the obvious department)
Newspaper endorses Mike O'Barto
We think voters in Saltlick Township and two Bullskin Township precincts should support O'Barto because the 15-year Unity Township, Westmoreland County, supervisor has working knowledge of how decisions made in Harrisburg impact local government.
Reese, an assistant financial director for Westmoreland County and one-time aide to former county Commissioner Terry Marolt, has some good-sounding ideas. But so does O'Barto, who doesn't sound like he's reading straight from the GOP issues playbook, as does Reese.
In the race to succeed retiring Republican state Rep. Jess Stairs, we want someone who displays more of a passion for getting the job done and shaking up the status quo in Harrisburg, while governing with the working person in mind.O'Barto strikes us as the better pick in that regard."
Herald-Standard 10/29/2008
Total insanity in the 39th Senate Race
If I didn't like Kim, I would protest the race and not vote, but I like her, so I will vote.
From this morning's Tribune Review
• Rep. Tom Tangretti's decision to retire in the 57th Legislative District presents an opportunity to elect a fiscal reformer. Veteran U.S. Navy officer and attorney Tim Krieger, 47, fully understands what Harrisburg's recidivist reckless spending, bogus "economic development" and flight-encouraging tax policies have wrought. Democrat challenger John Boyle offers the same old Democrat boilerplate. Elect Tim Krieger.
I am voting for McCain, but...
I think people lose site of the fact that if you reach a higher tax bracket, only that portion of income in the higher bracket is taxed at the higher rate--not your entire income. If Joe the plumber doesn't want to buy his "business" because a portion of his net (not gross, but net and I don't think he understands this) will be taxed at an additional 3%, his business was never going to make it anyway.
I am certain to vote for McCain after listening to the arguments of former GE CEO Jack Welch, not Joe the plumber.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Reese/O'Barto race in the 59th house district
The pieces also have some trumped up scandal about having the public meetings at 7PM instead of 4:30PM. That is laughable. The meeting is public. Open to the press. How can you hide something? Since the state house meets during the day, are they trying to hide something? Is Mike Reese (not really Mike Reese, but the House GOP who are writing his ads) going to propose that the House only meets after 5PM so working folks can attend and keep an eye on them? That is the most ludicrous argument I have ever heard. (Actually the false rumor about Obama taking oath on the Quaran beats that) But, if you can outspend your opponent 10-1, does the validity of your argument really matter? I guess Mike O'Barto knows how John McCain feels at the moment with the massive campaign fund disadvantage.
I thought for a minute about running for this seat. I didn't because I didn't want to be in Harrisburg and a way from my wife and kids. I also didn't because I thought Mike O'Barto would make a great state representative. Had I known the house was going to drastically outspend him with outlandish and distorted negative ads, I may have run.
Nah, I wouldn't. I have too much honor to trash a man in public like that for my own personal gain. Hopefully, the public will see through all the mudslinging.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tim Krieger for State Representative
By the way, Tim had a picnic fundraiser and it was really good. He had a really good guy playing guitar and singing. He also had a mini violin recital by his kids' violin class. I hope Tim wins so he can have more picnics.
Sarah Palin in Latrobe on Friday!
Arnold Palmer Regional Airport
Vee Neal Aviation
148 Aviation Ln.Suite 109
Latrobe, PA 15650
Friday, October 31st
Doors Open: 6:30am
Get your tickets at:
Westmoreland County Victory Office
23 North Maple St
Greensburg, PA 15601
Hours: 9am – 9pm Daily
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Olivia and Obama
I am Spartacus!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I have to say that I am proud not to be associated with...
Look folks, you can't trust any politician that uses Harrisburg insider money to buy his way into office with negative ads. That is what Mike Reese is doing right now.
I use to hope the would Republicans take back the Pennsylvania House. Now, I don't care. To me, they will say anything or spend anything to win. I hope the PAGOP is spending this money on a true leader. Someone we really need in Harrisburg--Tim Krieger. I don't live in that district so I haven't gotten any of that mail. I am going to check into that.
Very sad news!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I also received Mike Reese's typical negative piece about Mike O'Barto. I warned O'Barto months ago that they would use this piece of ancient history as a negative ad. Mike O'Barto inherited that overtime issue when he was elected supervisor. He fixed the problem. The important fact to notice is that Mike O'Barto has been re-elected by large margins in Unity Township.
The other part of Reese's negative ad focuses on moving the supervisors' meeting from 4:30pm to 7:00pm. Again, O'Barto was just one of 3 votes. When Jake Blank was elected, the votes were there to change the meeting. I have to say this particular piece is the dumbest most inane negative attack I have ever seen.
The funniest thing about Reese's negative ad is that it is paid for by the folks who were in power when the midnight pay raise was passed. During the whole pay raise scandal, I did not hear a peep out of Mike Reese. In the governor's race that year, Bob Jubelier and the rest of the GOP establishment that supported the pay raise were pushing Lynn Swann for Governor. The only candidate with the guts to take on the pay raise establishment was Bill Scranton. Mike Reese did not support Bill. Mike Reese did not speak out against the pay raise. Mike Reese simply sat back and supported the pay raise establishment's candidate, Lynn Swann. The time to demonstrate leadership came and went for Mike Reese. He did/said nothing. This has always been my "problem" with Mike Reese. It has never been personal. When the right decision needed to be made, Mike Reese made the wrong decision. Now, Mike Reese is funded my the same people who had a hand in the pay raise.
Truth be told and for the same reason, I could care less about the outcome of 56th House race either.
Presidential race musings..

Palin's appearance on Saturday Night Live wasn't very good. She should have looked at some of McCain's past performances on that show. McCain was awesome when he sang Barbara Streisand songs on SNL as a joke about her trying to inject herself in politics.
Colin Powell endorses Obama. Pretty devastating. Powell is still very respected.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I own 2 small businesses
As for tax policy, I would be happy to return to Clinton's tax policy. I paid a bit more in taxes, but the economy was awesome. In a return to reality, the Bush tax cuts were originally because we had such a big surplus. Remember that in 2000. Give the people back their money. Well, was that surplus really real.
The Clinton years were pretty good for the economy. A centrist democrat and a conservative congress.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
A couple things I care about more the Obama/Ayers
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kim Ward and the Hempfield Municipal Authority
Now, how many trips did the Hempfield Area School Board pay to send Bompiani and other members of the board to National and State School Board meetings. As a disclosure, my wife attended meetings (where she learned alot) in New Orleans (where I was mad at her because she would not party with me on Bourbon Street because she had classes in the morning, but we went back for a Colts/Saints game and had fun) and San Francisco. The difference: my wife is not running for state senate and distorting the facts about Kim Ward. For the record, the meetings are actually good because you meet people and experts from across the country to discuss how to make schools better. Officials just can't go to those valuable meetings anymore because POLITICIANS like TONY BOMPIANI will distort the event. In the case of the Hempfield Municipal Authority, they were unfair to the taxpayers. They charged tax payers for spouses and alcohol and other things that should not have beep charged to the taxpayers. That is why Kim Ward went after them.
Sarah Palin at the Flyers game
Anyway, Sarah Palin was booed at the Flyers' game when she dropped the puck. Don't read anything into it. Anyone would have been booed. After watching the youtube video, the booing wasn't all that bad. Especially for Philadelphia and a Flyers game. By the way, Piper Palin is just adorable and seems to be having the time of her life.
What was this guy thinking?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Looks like market is going to close positive today.
Sarah Palin is going to be in Johnstown tomorrow
In the 59th PA House seat race,
Realize, Mike Reese's mailing piece was paid for by the Pennsylvania Republican Party. Unfortunately, the Pennsylvania Republican Party was the folks in charge who brought you the dastardly pay increase, bloated budgets, perks from PHEEA, a higher personal income tax and slow economic growth. By accepting their money, Mike Reese will be beholding to them. We don't need that. We need a strong, experienced and independent voice. We need Mike O'Barto in the 59th.
Ouch again!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Way better than all the wasted time on Ayers
If she says "Joe Six Pack and Hockey Moms of the world unite" again, I am not voting.
Here is a George Carlin riff on Joe 6 pack. Remember, it is George Carlin. He is at his offensive best here. So, if you do not like hearing the f-word or typical George Carlin humor, DON'T CLICK ON THE LINK. It is really bad!!!!!! I am not overstating it. George Dunbar or the Westmoreland County Republican Committee did not approve the following offensive comedy routine by the late George Carlin. Also, I am not endorsing Carlin's message. It just came up in my YouTube search for Sarah Palin Joe 6 pack. I thought it sort of fit in the post.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sarah Palin, Marathon runner
Been in Las Vegas, so I didn't see the whole VP debate
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Perry at least appeared lucid even if I didn't agree with what he said.
That was Tom writing about all the mayhem at the new "official website of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee." Hopefully, my blog history has at least made Tom Ceraso a Wilco fan.
Monday, September 29, 2008
McCain and the financial crisis
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I think a public apology is owed to someone...
Last night's Presidential debate.
Initially polling shows the public perception that Obama won and as much as it pained him, Dick Morris thought so too.
Unless they kick me out, I am still a member of the Westmoreland County Repulican Committee. I don't think their website should be calling Obama "Osama" or calling him a muslim when he clearly is not. Obama can easily be beaten on ideas. McCain has the better plan and experience. It does not serve Senator McCain well to put slurs on the website. As a matter of fact, McCain opposes that.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Busy night last night.
Bompiani was having a fundraiser at The Palace Theatre. Doesn't look like he could have raised all that much money from the looks of things.
Tom Balya was standing out in front of the Obama headquarters. He is a partisan guy and his writings seem a bit "angry" at times, but he was very pleasant to have a conversation with. He introduced me to John Boyle who is running against my friend Tim Krieger. There was lots of activity going on inside the Obama headquarters. FYI, McCain will win Westmoreland by at least 25,000 votes.
Stopped by the Westmoreland GOP headquarters. Lots of calling was going on there. Picked up some McCain stickers. I met the guy who was being talked about on the other "Westmoreland Republicans" site. He seemed nice and capable. I also know the girl who is being talked about on that site and she is pretty awesome. I would want her involved in any campaign I was in. I only mention this because my name was mentioned on that site. I want to make certain that people know I like the girl who is being discussed on the site very much. She is intelligent and very capable. Physically, the description attributed to her is just not accurate.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A negative push poll in the 59th State House race?
If this is true, it just demonstrates that his campaign is more of the same Harrisburg insider crap that we have all come to dislike. If the Harrisburg insiders are running and funding his campaign, how can Mike Reese reform or stand up to the Harrisburg insiders and lobbyists?
If anyone has the poll questions, please let me know. I intend to help refute any negative charges made against Mike O'Barto in this election. I have lived in Unity Township. I know Mike O'Barto and he is a good supervisor. Mike O'Barto will make an excellent state represenative.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Looks like an expensive state senate race
Today, Kim Ward sent out a piece spelling out the facts that School Director Bompiani raised taxes almost 50% while in office. Bompiani sent out a piece that he is a spending/tax hawk. Who do we believe? The record or Bompiani's mailer.
Tim Krieger Picnic reminder
2008 Fall Picnic
Saturday September 27
Hempfield Park, Pavilion A from 5:00 p.m. - Dusk
Bill Clinton is not helping Obama
Monday, September 22, 2008
Incredible!!! No way else to describe it!
"Sa-Rah! Sa-Rah!" they chanted at every mention of her name, applauding loudly and waiving tiny American flags that were distributed -- along with free water bottles -- by local volunteers. The fire chief estimated the crowd at 60,000. Link to the article
I bet Obama just gets sick to his stomach when he sees these crowds.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Me in the Tribune-Review Whispers Column
CRYSTAL BALL. Seems that former Westmoreland County GOP Chairman Perry Christopher might be just a little clairvoyant. Or maybe he's just goofy. Whatever, Christopher was on the Sarah Palin VP bandwagon long before anyone here even heard of the Alaska governor.
Christopher blogged earlier this year in support of Palin's being put on the GOP ticket with John McCain. This came from the man who had once supported Mitt Romney for the top spot on the GOP ticket and had even toyed with backing Democrat Barack Obama, so his Palin-love was hardly taken seriously by local Republicans.
But now there's a little back-slapping going on between Christopher and local Christian Coalition head Don Thompson, who in a newsletter sent out this month noted that Palin was not exactly a popular VP choice by locals who responded to a survey he sent out in January.
"One person mentioned Sarah Palin for VP and had to explain that she was current governor of Alaska," Thompson wrote. "I might say that person was Perry Christopher, former Westmoreland County GOP Chairman, who must have had a clear crystal ball that day."
Here is a photo of me and my wife!

Friday, September 19, 2008
Pretty astute observation by Jonathan Martin on The Politico
We're All Socialists Now
Time to take a step back: A Republican President just sent out his Treasury Secretary to announce the federal government will spend "hundreds of billions of dollars" to takeover a not-insignificant chunk of the economy. Jonathan Martin,
You have to admit...
The Illinois senator said he would be discussing the Fed-Treasury proposal with his top economic advisers on Friday morning. Among those who have been advising Obama on his response to the financial crisis are former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and former U.S. Treasury secretaries Lawrence Summers and Robert Rubin. From a Reuters report
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I am looking at Real Clear Politics polls
Something that's been bothering me
The constant "things are much better since the new leadership took over" over at the official website of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee is pissing me off. Old leadership only did what was asked of us by Bush/Cheney'04, Santorum'06, and Ward/Dunbar for Commissioner. We did a pretty good job the last 4 years and supported some great candidates. I did whatever was asked of me by our candidates. I only wished that we could have gotten Santorum, Diana Irey and Bill Scranton elected.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This is not joke! It really happended!
Palin, Me and the Christian Coalition newsletter
Up to that point I was favoring Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as a bright young face with truly conservative views. His strong handling of the evacuation process in advance of Hurricane Gustav’s arrival raised his stock in my opinion, but no one had him on the short list as the GOP convention neared. But then came Friday morning, August 29th and from my rented beach house at Topsail Beach, NC, I heard the rumors that Sarah Palin was to be the nominee. At first I thought I had been out in the sun too long but it was only 9AM! As the day unfolded and her conservative credentials were being touted, I became more and more impressed with her being chosen. I must admit I had never heard of Sarah Palin until I conducted my informal Presidential and Vice Presidential poll in January of this year. From the more than 150 responses our members submitted, ONE person mentioned Sarah Palin for VP and had to explain that she was current governor of Alaska. I might say that person was Perry Christopher, former Westmoreland County GOP Chairman, who must have had a clear crystal ball that day!
No crystal ball. I'm just a genius:)
This is interesting...
...I am the McCain Campaign Field Director for Westmoreland County. This is a flier to let you know about a volunteer training/information session this upcoming Wednesday, September 10th in our Greensburg office, located at 23 N. Maple Avenue. Please feel free to stop by.
I am certainly glad I did not blame the McCain campaign for that silliness.
Is Tim Krieger the only person running for state rep?
Check out Tim's website!
And make sure you plan on attending Tim's picnic on September 27 at Hempfield Park starting at 5PM. Details may be found here.
Monday, September 15, 2008
McCain admits Obama didn't call Palin a pig!
Time for these candidates to start seriously addressing the issues! Look at the banks, markets, and insurers. It is not time for a STUPID campaign like we have been having for the last few weeks.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Latest Obama quote.
Maybe you could get a bigger room...?!
Wednesday, 09-10-08 Headquarters in Greensburg. 8pm. A McCain training session hosted by Sara Kennedy and she will have with her Ted Christian, The PA State Chair for the McCain Campaign, this should be interesting and informative. Again lets show them we're all committed in our county. Maybe then the next western PA visit from John or Sarah will be in our backyard.This is for the executive board as of room size constraintsI believe for Bush/Cheney'04 we found a bigger room. With all the excitement over the ticket, I think a more inclusive meeting would be wise and of course--A BIGGER ROOM. Let's attract those independents, democrats and republicans who may not be on the executive board or the committee who work like crazy to be at the training session. Remember, our ticket is the ticket of change and crossparty appeal. Our ticket is the ticket reaching out to everyone. The McCain/Palin ticket is the team that is not politics as usual.
I suggest if you want to get heavily involved in the McCain/Palin campaign, just show up at the meeting. Unless they are nuts, they will welcome you to stay. For those that were heavily involved in the Santorum campaign or the last presidential election and have been waiting eagerly for an organizational meeting, I would just go to this meeting.
Just my opinion, but remember they are thinking about kicking me out because I support Unity Township Supervisor Mike O'Barto for state represenative in the 59th. Like Joe Lieberman, I can put party aside for the betterment of my country and state. Mike O'Barto has the experience, independence and integrity to go to Harrisburg and be an agent of change and reform. A less experienced candidate would be eaten alive by the career politicians and lobbyists in Harrisburg.
Obama had a funny line...
Here is the funny Obama quote:
Palin's bio is "compelling," Obama said.
The crowd booed. "No, it's an interesting story." More boos. "No, no, it is. I mean that sincerely. Mother, governor, moose shooter."
The crowd broke out in laughter. "That's cool. That's cool. That's cool stuff," Obama said.
Of course that is the problem for Obama. He is underestimating Sarah Palin and her appeal to average voters. His lack of understanding will be his demise. I still wonder what Hillary Clinton is thinking...Can Obama still dump Biden and put Clinton on the ticket? That is his only hope.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Press overreached on Palin family
By the way, who else would have liked to read Hillary Clinton's mind last night. How does this affect her? No matter how this election turns out (and I think it will be a McCain victory), Sarah Palin will be the first female president of the United States.
In another interesting tidbit, Jamie Lynn Spears sends a baby gift to Bristol Palin.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Palin rises to task!
This piece of news make the Palin "controversy" even more stupid
From NBC's Mark Murray
The AP reports: "Bristol Palin's boyfriend plans to join the family of the Republican vice presidential candidate at the GOP convention. Levi Johnston's mother said her 18-year-old son left Alaska on Tuesday morning to join the Palin family in St. Paul, Minn."
"Sherry Johnston also said there has been no pressure put on her son to marry Bristol Palin, the pregnant daughter of vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. 'Absolutely not,' Sherry Johnston told reporters outside the family's Wasilla home. Johnston said the two teens already had plans to marry before they knew she was pregnant.
"Sarah Palin announced Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter was pregnant. The father was not identified beyond the first name of Levi."
Palin and Experience
But...please stop feeding me that stuff about city council and mayor of a town of around 9000. Not really a selling point.
I also do not consider Obama's time in the Illinois State Senate as a proper qualification to be president of the United States.
I am for Palin because she is a charismatic, strong conservative woman with real life (not government) experience. After her speech tonight, the typical press coverage of her will go away.
Remember to boycott US Weekly magazine. I don't know why people buy it anyway,
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Wow, is the McCain Terrible Towel popular
Great night for John McCain and Sarah Palin
Joe Lieberman performed a most difficult task very well. He tried to get the american people to forget about party and vote for the best leader--John McCain. He gave an excellent and heart felt speech. I hope those who want to kick me out of the Westmoreland Republican Committee were watching Lieberman's speech. Sometimes, you have to vote for the more experienced candidate just as I am doing by supporting Mike O'Barto for state rep in the 59th district.
Sarah Palin is going to weather this storm just fine. The media and the left are over-reaching and will only bolster her popularity. If you are a reader of US Weekly, stop now. Just wait until you see the cover with Palin. The headline is ridiculous!
Media coverage of Palin unfair?
I believe it is fair that the american people know that she is pregnant and that she is keeping the baby and marrying the father. I believe that is admirable. It is part of her story. The campaign has made her family a big issue of why she is a great choice. The whole "hockey mom" thing. This is part of that narrative. I think the Palins have handled this well with their daughter and it should not adversely affect anyone's opinion of them. Beyond that, I don't think this should be a campaign issue.
I think Obama was fantastic for immediately putting this off limits in the campaign. However, I don't think many in the GOP would do him the same courtesy. Proof of this: The stupidity of the continuation of calling him a muslim. He has accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and saviour. As christians, we don't question whether someone really means it. We welcome them into the family of christians. In this instance, Obama has shown he is a good christian man in how he is dealing with this issue.
All this being said, I think proponents of abstinence only sex education should re-evaluate their position and work to teach sex education in a responsible way which teaches abstinence but also gives kids the knowledge to protect themselves.
I still remain convinced that Sarah Palin is an excellent choice for VP. A real person who can identify with the real problems that people have. While on the subject of family problems, I don't know if I could have done as well with what life gave Joe Biden. I couldn't imagine had my wife and youngest daughter been killed in an accident leaving me alone to raise my two oldest girls. I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for Joe Biden in how he handled that horrible situation. Both of the VP picks are good, strong people.
Latest Westmoreland GOP fundraiser

To audition, e-mail: Frank@thisisabigfatjokesodon'
Monday, September 1, 2008
For those who asked, here is Samantha
A BITE OUT OF POLITICS. Former Westmoreland County GOP chairman Perry Christopher's pup, Samantha, apparently is a devout Republican.
As Christopher recounts on his Republican blog, Samantha apparently put the bite on Democrat state Senate hopeful Dr. Tony Bompiani when Bompiani was knocking on doors.
Christopher said the 39th District Senate hopeful who is opposing Republican Kim Ward "was very nice about it."
Some Republicans apparently wish Christopher was as vicious against Democrats as his dog is. They are now trying to expel him from the county committee for supporting 59th District state representative hopeful Mike O'Barto, a Unity Democrat, over Republican Mike Reese, a Mt. Pleasant Republican.
As for the bitten Bompiani, he indicated there will be no lawsuit.
"You know how puppies have sharp teeth,'' Bompiani said. "She was just gnawing at everything and I put my hand there and he nipped me, that's all."
"I had no idea it was his (Christopher's) house and had never met him before. But he was very nice," Bompiani said.
Christopher said he still supports Ward in the race.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The McCain Terrible Towel!
Family enjoyed the rally, but the traffic getting home was terrible.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
With Palin on the ticket...
Palin for VP
This is a slam dunk McCain victory in November! I can't believe he made such an incredibly smart decision.
Now, I wish I had run for delegate. Come on over disgruntled Hillary supporters!!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Silliness of trying to eject me from the Westmoreland County republican committee
Monday, August 25, 2008
Why is this the Westmoreland GOP blog anyway?
While I was still chairman and before I endorsed Mike O'Barto, a new "official website of the westmoreland county republican committee" appeared. It was a surprise to me. But that was OK, I had skipped the last meeting to go running. So, it was my fault.
I fully intended to hand over the domain names, but some on the executive committee of the county GOP started talking like I stole the domain names. That wasn't cool. I just had enough ambition to buy them and teach myself how to design a website. I didn't really appreciate the negative accusations. So, I keep it parked here. I am a republican. This is Westmoreland county. So, WestmorelandGOP is an accurate description of content.
If anyone wished, I did purchase other domains which anyone can have:
Keb' Mo' at the Palace was awesome
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Info on John McCain's visit to Washington, PA on Aug 30
August 30, 2008
Doors open 3:00 p.m.
Special Guest: John Rich of "Big and Rich"
Consol Energy Park
1 Washington Federal Way
Washington, PA 15301
Get your tickets at these locations:
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
McCain rally in Washington, PA Aug 30
John McCain’s presidential campaign has approached a minor league baseball stadium in southwestern Pennsylvania about hosting a rally for the Arizona senator the Saturday before the GOP convention, further fueling speculation that former Gov. Tom Ridge is among the finalists to join him on the ticket.
The Aug. 30 rally would come just two days after Democrat Barack Obama gives his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention in Denver and provide an opportunity to roll out McCain’s running mate before a 7,000-person crowd. McCain is expected to announce his choice the day before at an event in Dayton, Ohio, Politico reported Tuesday.LINK
I think it was just the bus at the fair without McCain
All John McCain Supporters are invited to welcome John McCain's Straight Talk Express at the Westmoreland County Fairgrounds, Main Gate Entrance at 3:00 sharp today. Come out and show your support for our nominee for President of the United States of America by welcoming the Straight Talk Express. From the "official site of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee"
Well, that is silly. Who would want to see a bus? McCain has a townhall meeting in New Mexico tomorrow. It would have sucked to go out there expecting to see John McCain and all you see is a bus. Now, I don't feel so bad. My kid would have thought I was a nut dragging her out there to see a bus.
I have been asked to resign from the GOP
Over the past few years, my wife and I must have given over $10000 to GOP candidates. This does not included the amount of money that can drain from your wallet when you are chairman of the party. I guess I should itemize it so I can have them amend their reports. It is a lot.
So now, some on the committee want to kick me off. Here is my problem with that:
- Vast majority of the committee did nothing (Don't believe me, read Carl Duda's current complaint that no one on the committee helps)
- Vast majority of the committee gave no money
- Those who complained the most, helped the least.
- I watched some of the same people who probably will vote to remove me from the committee work actively against Sen. Arlen Specter.
- Every election, we asked prominent democrats to endorse our GOP candidates. Is this what we really think of them when they support a republican? Is it such an evil act to cross party lines? Why would any democrat cross party lines to support a republican if we, as republicans, act in this manner? Seriously. Do we hold democrats who cross party lines in such disdain?
So, I will not resign my position. I am not a quitter. I don't want to present that example to my kids. How silly is it to kick me off the committee when all I have to do is circulate a petition next time around and be back on the committee?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I'm missing a lot of excitement
I think Kim Ward can win that senate seat. Hempfield School District is sort of a mess and I bet you can blame Bompiani for that. Very unfortunate that she will not be county commissioner.
My prediction is: Kim Ward wins the senate seat. Mike O'Barto beats Mike Reese in the 59th. Mike Reese is named commissioner to replace Kim Ward. And I finish the Philadelphia marathon faster than my goal time. Happiness all around this November.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Harry Reid makes our economy sick!
Republicans for Mike O'Barto
However, I cannot ask democrats to cross over and vote for a republican candidate and ignore the superior leadership and experience Mike O'Barto offers the citizens of the 59th state house district. It would be hypocritical of me. As Unity Township supervisor, Mike O'Barto has gained the experience to represent us well in Harrisburg. Mike O'Barto is a pro-life democrat who believes in the second amendment, low taxes and better business environment in Pennsylvania. Mike O'Barto understands the effects Harrisburg legislation has on local governments and school districts. Mike O'Barto will not support legislation that puts a burden on local government and schools.
Of all the things people like about Jess Stairs, constituent service had to be first. If you had a problem with Harrisburg, Jess could fix it. Mike O'Barto will be equal to the task. As a resident of Unity Township, Mike O'Barto has been responsive to my needs. Mike O'Barto understands people need action from their represenative when concerns arise. As demonstrated by his experience and record as Unity Township supervisor, Mike O'Barto will deliver excellent service to the residents of the 59th district.
People are sick of partisan politics and bickering. People want action and leaders. We are living in uneasy economic times. Now is not the time to take a chance on an unproven candidate. The people of the 59th district need proven leadership, experience and independent voice in Harrisburg. Mike O'Barto is that candidate. For those reasons, I full support and endorse Mike O'Barto for the open 59th Pennsylvania State House seat.
With the upcoming reorganization of the county republican party, I wanted to make my views known now so that I can pass the responsibility for the reorganization to my vice chairman Ron Rometo. If I waited to announce my support for Mike O'Barto until after the reorganization, I fear some would question my handling of the convention. Since I like and respect both George Dunbar and Frank Schiefer, I wish to make certain that no one questions the process which leads to the election of the new chairman.
As for my vote on the Westmoreland County Republican Committee, I am sending my proxy to former Chairwoman and fellow Unity Township resident Debbie Irwin. I am certain she will vote my proxy in the best interest of the Westmoreland County Republican party.
For the record, I remain a republican and will vote for John McCain as long as he continues to support exploration for energy in the United States. I will not vote for any presidential candidate that does not have the leadership to see the necessity of being energy independent.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Candidates for WCRC offices
- George Dunbar--Penn Township
- Frank Schiefer--Hempfield Township
- Elaine Gowaty--West Murrysville
- Joel Reiter--North Huntingdon
- Susan Baur Scherff--Hempfield Township
- Darrell McMahen--Unity Township
- no other candidates filed
If you sent me a petition and your name does not appear on this list, let me know. We can work it out.
The election will take place at the Hempfield High School Auditorium on July 8 at 7PM sharp. It is being held at Hempfield because that was the easiest thing for me to do since we have committee members on the Hempfield School Board. I am holding it there because it only took one phone call to reserve not to aid any candidates from the Hempfield area. I was considering the Greater Latrobe High School because my wife is on that board, but I thought people would complain of the location.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Westmoreland GOP Poltical Events
Thursday, April 23, 2009
6:00 P.M. Cash Bar – 7:00 P.M. Dinner
Ferrante's Lakeview Premier Banquest Facility
6153 Route 30, Greensburg, PA 15601
Attorney General Tom Corbett
Tim Murphy, 18th Congressional
Kim Ward, 39th State Senate
Tim Kreiger , 57th Legislative
Mike Reese, 59th Legislative
$40.00 Per Person
(Proceeds Benefit the WCRC)
Checks payable to:
WCRC GOP Committee
23 N. Maple Ave., Greensburg, PA 15601
Or Email Elaine Gowaty or Doug Weimer