Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why the rush on heathcare reform?

Shouldn't they be more concerned about getting it right? What a mess this is going to be!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sen. Jim Bunning to retire

Sen. Bunning did an event for me while I was chairman. I spent the whole day with him. Sen. Bunning was honest and plain spoken. How many people get the chance to spend the day with
  • an outspoken conservative senator
  • a baseball hall of fame member
  • and some who pitched a perfect game in the majors?

Well, I was treated to that all at once. It was quite enjoyable. I thought it was the perfect kick-off to getting folks in Westmoreland County fired up for Sen Santorum's reelection. Sen Bunning was an awesome featured speaker. However, the attendance was just so-so and that truly marked the beginning of my loss of interest in organized politics. After that, I had to endure Scranton's unsuccessful bid for governor, Santorum's loss and people's inability to move on from the whole Toomey/Specter controversy, and the final straw--Mitt Romney's loss. I personally blame that loss on Iowa's conservative christians and some of their "problem" that Romney didn't have exactly the same religious beliefs that they held. Huckabee, what a wasted vote Iowans!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Black Crowes

are awesome live! Levon Helm opened. He had laryngitis. He couldn't sing. Disappointing, but The Crowes certainly made up for it.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tom Ward in Whispers column...

If Tom is going to challenge Tom Murphy for recorder of deeds, he should go ahead and be the replacement candidate for prothonotary. If he loses, no one will hold it against him because he is the replacement candidate. However, a countywide run now will help his name ID when he does run against Murphy. He would be helping both the party and himself.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why did some guys in the Westmoreland GOP Committee...

have such a huge man crush on Judge Paul Panepinto (I don't know if I spelled it right, but don't care enough to look)? I just don't get it. Someone explain it to me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tom Marflak withdraws as GOP candidate for Prothonotary

Too bad, I like Tom Marflak and thought he was a good candidate.

What now? Should the GOP just forget about it and concentrate on Bryan Kline's race? After all, Patterson did poorly in his re-election primary for Clerk of Courts.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Could you imagine Ronald Reagan acting like...

Sarah Palin?

Could you ever imagine Reagan whining on Facebook? Or even using Facebook for that matter? Or threatening to sue the mainstream media if they write bad stuff about her? In this instance, I don't think the media is holding Palin to a different standard. In the past, they were unfair to her, but now...Palin is just acting wierd. Reagan would have just beaten the press and his opponents with two skills...communication and leadership!

Results are in!

The readers of this blog (who are an intelligent lot) like Frank Schiefer and think he should run for county commissioner.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin resigns...

I am in the camp that views her as a quitter that couldn't handle everything. Could you ever imagine Ronald Reagan doing something like this? If only Mark Sanford would quit!

Colin Powell...make up your friggin' mind!

Before the election, Powell is all for Obama. Now doubts... Powell is afraid Obama is spending too much on new programs. No kidding!!! Obama only promised everyone everything during the campaign. What a crappy election 2008 was! What poor choices! I am concerned that 2012 will offer no better. I use to like Sarah Palin as a candidate. I no longer view her as a potential national GOP leader.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Frank seems pretty popular!

Better get on board the Frank for County Commissioner band wagon!

Liz and I miss the cool car!

But the Toyota convertible is bigger.

Palin in Runner's World

She challenges President Obama to a footrace? She looks great in the photos. However, it does not seem very "presidential." Without a doubt, she needs a new pr firm. She gets a lot of press, but none of it makes you want to support her for president. I have not seen the entire article yet, so I may change my mind after reading it. If I were her PR person, I would have never allowed her to pose in running clothes. I would have insisted on only action photos of her running and running while pushing her baby.

I would run with either Palin or Obama. She is a good marathoner. Heck, I'd even have a cigarette with President Obama. That would be a cool conversation starter. Maybe the two could come to Pittsburgh and run the Pittsburgh Marathon. It is a friendly marathon. Or better yet, they could come to Connellsville and run the Woodruff 5K (killer hills).

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My wife, Rhonda Laughlin, in the Trib

At last night's board meeting, some directors wanted to raise taxes. Rhonda did not. Read for yourself from the Tribune-Review.
Director Susan Mains said without a state budget in place, the district doesn't know for sure what it willbe receiving as its basic education subsidy. And the state has other changes proposed that could affect the district's bottom line, she said.

Mains said she feels more comfortable having small millage increases yearly, rather than one, large millage hike in a given year. The small increases give the district some cushion for unforeseen expenses, she said.

I'm fearful we're digging a hole that we shouldn't be digging," Mains said.

Director Kathryn Elder agreed that slight yearly increases put her more at ease than one large hike.

"We're kind of getting squeezed," Elder said. "I"m very concerned."

But Director Rhonda Laughlin said directors couldn't increase real estate taxes this time based on what might occur.

"Just to raise taxes 'just in case,' I think, is wrong," Laughlin said.
Tribune-Review July 1, 2009