Sunday, November 30, 2008
We interupt this blog for the regularly scheduled kissing up to Mike Reese segment
Reese and Krieger will make a great team working for Westmoreland County in the House.
Allen Kukovich
Tom Balya
I think the next GOP commissioner can be a conservative republican and voice conservative principles and still work well with the commissioners. It is quite easy. Just argue and debate about issues. I have no doubt that I could get a long with Balya and Ceraso and I have been a partisan republican in the past. I am sure others can be effective and get along at the same time as well.
Jess Stairs
From what I understand and I was not at the meeting because I was in Philadelphia for Marathon Weekend (Pittsburgh Marathon is next), the goal of the few republicans in Westmoreland county responsible for the final list of 4 was someone who will fight with Tom and Tom and set the GOP up for the next election cycle to win 2 seats on the board of commissioners. Well, that is not the true point of serving the people. The goal should not be to fight with Tom and Tom so we can win next time. If the GOP has the right ideas about governing, we will win next time. Think about it: Ward as state senator. Krieger and Reese as state reps. These are the folks to show what the GOP can do. At the same time, put in a reasonable individual like Davis, Avolio or Stairs as commissioner. The GOP can work as a team to Westmoreland forward. People will notice and we can win next time. If we just play politics, people will see it and we will lose.
Tribune-Review Whispers column lexicon
I have learned that this means an individual who has an ax to grind but not the courage to put their name to the crap they are spewing.
The same definition goes for:
- Prominent Westmoreland republicans
- republican leaders
- any and all variations on the above theme
The whispers column is usually the place you check on sunday morning to see if a "republican leader" has stuck a knife in your back. I have never quite understood the anonymous nature of the column. It gives voice to political activists who do not have the courage to simply speak their minds.
A lot of republicans do not like Tom Balya, but he has the courage to put exactly what he is thinking in print for all to see on his website.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Latrobe Turkey Trot
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Philadelphia Marathon
I think I am going to run the Pittsburgh Marathon this May. They promise me only one hill.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Measuring the pulse of the GOP in Washington DC
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bush pardons 14
That's what I would do. See if this guy could turn his life around given the chance.
I never thought he was very good as an NFL quarterback.
My public apology to Jess Stairs
63 out of 350 GOP committee members
I am happy because my top choice, Scott Avolio, made the list.
However, I think the judges will ignore the process because the committee ignored two of the most qualified candidates and selected "political" choices. Their goal was to set themselves up to win two commissioner seats in the next election and not choose the most qualified candidates.
Why do I say this?
- Jess Stairs, a former state represenative for ever, applied and did not even make the final cut of 10. Love him or hate him, you have to admit that the guy had more governmental experience than the final 10. His exclusion from the list, taints the list.
- William Davis. I voted for him. He has served as a county commissioner. He has worked in the executive branch of Pennsylvania government. I think he would be the judges pick. I believe that the influential powers in our party did not want him because his credentials and experience would make him very independent from party leaders. Also, he may not run for re-election and if he did, he may not run a highly partisan and negative re-election campaign.
If these two men apply to the judges, the judges are going to listen to their qualifications. I think by excluding both of these qualified candidates, it makes the judges automatically look at the broader list.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Excuse me while I throw up
I don't think there are enough Wal-Mart greeter positions available to cover all the seniors walloped by the stock market.
Who is going to be the Secretary of Treasury? What an opportunity to go down in history as a hero or goat?
George Bush inherited a recession when he started his first term. Bush got us out of it. Granted, Obama's recession seem way worse.
The list of 10 is in
I don't think the judges can go wrong with either of these two. I would be very comfortable with either of these candidates.
I like Wayne McGrew, but I think he is more suited as a candidate for district attorney.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Here is what congress should do with the auto industry
Read Romney's op-ed on the auto industry:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Michael Steele for RNC Chair
The RNC needs a new enthusiastic and unapologetic conservative leader. Michael Steele is that leader! Let's just hope the RNC can recognize a leader when they see one!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Scott Avolio's name has surfaced as a contender
Scott would govern well, articulate conservative principles well, and be a viable candidate for election when his term expires.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How to proceed to have an influence on the new commissioner
- Many open slots remain on the republican committee
- Some committee people are appointed
- Many committee people ran unopposed
- Many like me won with just one write-in vote
Besides, we knew this would be the result when we selected our sitting commissioner to run. We can't really cry foul now. If that minority seat was so important to us, we would have found another candidate.
Here is an update from what was in the Trib on 11/12/08
Party officials will immediately start to solicit resumes and, next Tuesday, a seven-member subcommittee that includes Dunbar and Hempfield Supervisor Doug Weimer will cull the list down to 10 people.
That group will be permitted to address the party's entire 318-member committee on Nov. 22, when the final four will be selected.
"We would like all candidates to come through our vetting process," Dunbar said. "We just thought it would be an overbearing thing to present 36 people to the judges."
Here is the question. Will the judges care? In reality, the actions of the executive committee got this whole problem started, why should the judges look to them to solve it? You really have to question the executive committee's judgement in the matter. It was them who said only Kim Ward could win that seat. Kim is great, but there were other republicans in Westmoreland County that could have won that seat with $2 million and Bompiani's record of property tax increases.
So, I stand by my original proposal that the Westmoreland Republican Committee needs to take their list of 4 to the voters for a grassroots petition to present to the judges and the media. We have 300+ members. If each member would get 10 to 50 signatures on a petition, the resulting 3000 to 15000 signatures would get the judges attention. This probably won't.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Louis CK at the Palace tonight.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Who should replace Kim Ward as commissioner?
I am opening this topic up for comments, so please leave your opinion.
In your dreams...
Westmoreland County's 11 common pleas judges will decide who fills out the remaining three years of Ward's county commissioner term.
"We prefer they will listen to our collective voice of 87,000 Republicans, rather than have the free-for-all we had four years ago," said George Dunbar, chairman of the county's Republican committee.
Dunbar said the party's executive committee will meet Nov. 11 to determine a process for selecting several potential candidates whose names will be forwarded to the county judges for consideration.
As far as I know, I still have a vote on the committee. As the long as the GOP committee as a whole makes the recommendations, I am for it. If it is just the few folks on the executive committee, that is just as wrong as only the judges deciding.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tim Krieger's win is exciting!
Congratulations to Kim Ward
I wish Kim's father could have been there for her victory.
Egg on my face
That being said, politics ain't bean bags. Mike Reese and the House Republican Campaign Committee had a plan and stuck to it and won. Congratualtions to Mike Reese.
Mike Reese is a pro-life, pro-family conservative and I am certain that along with Tim Krieger's great victory, Mike and Tim will be great represenatives for Westmoreland County.
I am totally at peace with his victory. Mike Reese is my state represenative and he has always treated me quite well despite my support of his opponents. I actually have great admiration for him in the way he has interacted with me.
I will even go to his next fundraiser if I get an invitation (I have yet to ever receive an invitation to a Reese event). If history is a guide, Reese will be our representaive for the next 30 years.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
News flash:
I still can't believe that RIDICULOUS argument in the 59th house race about 4:30pm meeting went uncontested.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I am voting for McCain/Palin because...
- Sarah Palin ran a marathon under 4 hours
- Piper Palin would be fun to watch grow up
- I promoted Sarah Palin for VP before most heard of her
- John McCain was very funny on SNL
But, I don't dislike Barack Obama. Either way, I think the country will be fine. Listening to Rush Limbaugh today, you would think the country was about to be taken over by Leon Trotsky.
I saw an interesting sign this morning in Hempfield
Trib endorses no one in the 59th PA House seat
Answer: They don't care about policies. Only winning. I am very disappointed in some people that I thought I liked very much.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
PAGOP--excessively negative.
I find it interesting how so many things in our history are intertwined. Apparently, Rev Wright was a nurse when LBJ had surger. Saw this pic on Wikipedia so I can't be certain of it. It is interesting.